The Museum of Mourning Photography & Memorial Practice archive is not intended for morbid fascination, but as an investigation into human ritual. The collection’s focus is on how photography, a tool as well as artistic medium, preserves memory as an expressive cultural document. Our mission is to collect, showcase, preserve and disseminate information pertaining to all facets of memorial photography. The collection is a resource for both the anthropologist and artist alike.
Founded by Anthony R. Vizzari, MoMP is a "mini-museum" archive of photographs, negatives, and memorial related ephemera c.1850 to present. With a modest budget, the museum actively acquires new items on an ongoing basis. It is the goal of the Museum to keep this type of photography accessible and protected for future generations. At this time, the Museum’s full collection is not yet available online. Visit our BLOG for archive updates.
MoMP is a private collection made available for viewing by appointment only. At this time, visits are limited by appointment, Mon-Thursday. (4-6week advance scheduling may be necessary). Please plan accordingly. To make arrangements to visit the collection, please contact us via email
Cost to view the collection: $150.00 : (1) hour collection viewing for 1-4 people. Sliding scale fees available for eligible parties. The viewing will be provided by the owner, Anthony Vizzari, who will give a hands-on display of the collection. For larger groups or extended research projects, please contact us for access conditions.