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"Gone But Not Forgotten..." (The MoMP BLOG)

What is Vernacular Photography?
The Importance of Amatuer Photography: "What is vernacular photography...?" Vernacular photography refers to candid and spontaneous...

What is Mourning Photography?
Death & Photography: "What is mourning photography...?" Mourning photography, also known as "memento mori" or post-mortem photography,...

In The Face of Loss
The Importance of Mourning Photography: "Why is mourning photography important...?" Mourning photography is a poignant and powerful form...

Anthony Vizzari
Feb 11, 20233 min read
Coffin vs. Casket
What is the difference between a coffin, casket and burial vault? Many of the photographs in the MoMP collection display the deceased in...
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Kati Murphy
Jan 10, 20231 min read
Modern Remembrance
Evolution of Mourning Photography In more recent years, photographs of the deceased have taken on a more candid and informal character,...
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Anthony Vizzari
Jan 7, 20231 min read
The Parlor
"What is the parlor...?" The parlor was (is) a room in a house that was used for formal entertaining and social events. It was often the...
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Anthony Vizzari
Jan 2, 20231 min read
What is Vernacular Photography?
The Importance of Amatuer Photography: "What is vernacular photography...?" Vernacular photography refers to candid and spontaneous...
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